Still a dreamer…Old Memories and New Hopes

Quarantine Chat

Hopefully a 6 hour train ride will stimulate my creativity. I’ve been trying to write about this wonderful app. I’ve been on since February. It is definitely not a dating site and you chat with people from all over the world and the states. I’ve spoken to over 50. Several new people following my blog. I didn’t start out to inspire, but how lovely when that happens in a very natural way.
Gathering all my stories to do a post I hope everyone will enjoy. If anyone told me something personal, I will not write their story .
So here’s hoping a very long train ride will be productive.

Again wishing everyone to be safe and stay healthy.😘

Comments on: "Quarantine Chat" (4)

  1. Doris Scharfenberg said:

    From the Bluebird watcher to the Blogger… Enjoy your rail trip and unleash those creative juices!
    Thank you Doris

  2. Hey Kate,

    Greetings from Malaysia, It was wonderful speaking to you earlier today. Though short, but it was a sweet exchange.

    • Hi Shan,
      It was great meeting you, though short. I’m also on Instagram and Twitter . My name is Paulette. I use Kate on Chat since she’s my character in my book. Hope we can keep in touch.

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